welcome to abcteach http://www.abcteach.com/
This is the place for kids, and parents.
Free Printables: 5000+ free printable pages and worksheets.
Theme Units ~ Animals, Habitats, Holidays, Month
to Month, Sports, Countries, States, and more...
Fun Activities ~ Crossword Puzzles, Number Puzzles, Online Crosswords, Online Games, EASY Puzzles, COOL! Printable Games, Word Searches, Unscrambles...
Flashcards ~ Handwriting and Sign Language Flashcard patterns, emotions, senses and much more!
Book Adventure is a FREE reading motivation
program for children in grades K-8. Children create their own book lists from over 6,000 recommended titles, take multiple
choice quizzes on the books they've read offline, and earn points and prizes for their literary successes. Book Adventure
was created by the Sylvan Learning Foundation and is sponsored by Sylvan Learning, Inc. http://www.bookadventure.com/
Nature Studies ~ eNature.com site shares unparalleled content and
nature discovery
East-Central Tennessee Area http://tinyurl.com/3rj5q
Including Sevier County
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids This site provides learning tools for K-12 students, parents, and teachers. These resources
will teach how our government works, the use of the primary source materials of GPO Access, and how one can use GPO
Access to carry out their civic responsibilities. And, just as GPO Access provides locator services to U.S.
Government sites, Ben's Guide provides a similar service to U.S. Government Web sites developed for kids.
Have you found a website that has been helpful
in teaching your children? Why not pass it along as it may be a blessing to others
as well.