"Writing is a magical realm of expression that allows your child to come to terms with the joys and pains of daily living"
quote by Harvey S. Wiener in his book Any Child Can Write.
This quote made me realize how many events and thoughts may go unnoticed in my childrens life. I realize that it is up
to me to encourage my children to put their thoughts on paper. My daughter Samantha, age 11, loves animals and continues
to keep a daily journal where she writes the events of each day. Whether we had a challenging day or a day of delight, she
puts her pen to paper and enjoys recording her days events each evening. Some days have been sad, like the day her
mother hamster destroyed one of her babies. Others have been joyful, like the day our goat "Reeses" gave birth
to twins. It is a consoling thought for me to know she has recorded those events and will be able to return to them
in the future and recall those precious moments. I have just started this routine with my youngest daughter Sarah, age 5.
Each evening we write two or three sentences about what we did that day. I than read a devotional while Sarah "writes" in
her journal by drawing a picture of something that occurred that day. It is something we both look forward to each evening.
Your childrens writing journey can bring today. Here are some simple writing activities
that may help spark interest and creativity in your child.
LISTS - provide excellent practice for any age group. I normally begin
with a list every week and jot down my goals for the week, phone calls to make, errands to run and items to purchase. Your
child can help you with your list or create their own. If you have birthday parties for your children, they can prepare the
guest list, menu and games to be played. If they are visiting their grandparents or friends, they can start a list of toys
or other items they may wish to bring with them. How about a list book? A list book can include weekly menus, things to do
on a rainy day or chores. The ideas are endless. A list book would also be an ideal book for your child to learn to become
organized. It can continue for a lifetime and can keep records of such things as; clothes to buy, books they've read or wish
to read, money they've earned, and friends phone numbers and addresses. List writing is a very stress free and easy activity
to incorporate into a daily schedule.
SIGNS - are another great way to exercise writing. How about a decorative
sign for their bedroom door? A personal chore list would remind children of their daily responsibilities. If you are teaching
a new language you can help your child make small signs and place them on objects around your house. This can also be done
with new words they are learning to read or spell.
PICTURE WRITING - drawings are a fun and non-threatening way to begin writing.
You may begin by simply encouraging your children to draw from a story they have just read, a place you've just visited, or
to simply draw their pets or favorite animals. Using unlined paper for the drawing and than having them write a few words
or sentences on a sepreate sheet or on the back to explain who or what they have drawn. This can also be the start of story
writing. Keeping their work in a folder or adding them to a three ring binder makes it easy to view by family and friends
and for them to see their achievement. With picture writing you can also create your very own art gallery. What a delight
for a child to see others enjoy his creations! Do you need some structure? "DRAW WRITE NOW" is a fun and interactive curriculum
that I have been using with my children. It contains themed activities that can be done around holidays or school lessons.
NOTE & LETTER WRITING - I have always enjoyed writing a short note
to thank a friend for their prayers or a gift. A handwritten note to grandparents, uncles, aunts, siblings or friends can
be a fun way for your child to express their thanks or share exciting news. Letter writing can be done by older children,
as it tends to contain more information. Both letter and note writing can contain a salutation, content, closing and a signature.
This activity can be a great reinforcement to English and spelling lessons.
POSTCARDS - when you are away on a trip sending an inexpensive postcard
to a friend could be an exciting exchange of information for your child to participate in. A brief note of how your trip is
going can be an easy activity that your child would enjoy. From choosing the postcard and than with some help, deciding what
to write, adding a stamp and making a visit to a mailbox or hotel counter can be a memorable venture in itself. You may wish
to plan ahead and purchase some post card stamps.
CHALKBOARD - can be a great location for a daily exchange of notes between
you and your child. A bible verse, famous quote or thought for the day could be a wonderful way for your child to begin their
AUTOBIOGRAPHY - older children may wish to begin a story of their lives.
What they do, where they go and who they share their lives with. Who knows, you may have a famous writer in your very own
When young children begin writing, lots of patience is needed. You may need to spell
words out when they are unsure of the correct spelling. With older students you may need to encourage use of the dictionary
and thesaurus. When children use words daily, a reserve of language is built in which they can later use to transfer thoughts
onto paper. They can record feelings and life events through writing. A child who watches us as we do chores, talk on the
phone and handle daily challenges, who hears the rumble of thunder, or rain hitting the pavement, smells a cake baking or
breathes in the scent of pine, is a writer waiting to grow. That is your child! Our goal should be to establish a positive
attitude towards writing. Your advantage as a parent and a teacher is that you can adore the intent and ignore the mistakes
while taking advantage of some praise and hugging time.

Do you want to learn more?
Check out the book "Any Child Can Write" by Harvey
S. Wiener
E-mail us your thoughts or suggestions about this site.
This is the day the
Lord has made,
Let us rejoice
and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Many homeschool families have acquired the habit of writing far better than I have. However, if you haven't
already started, I want to encourage you, to encourage your children, to begin their writing journey. On the links that
will follow in days to come, I will share some of the information I have discovered. I may possibly even include
some ideas from other homeschool parents. My desire is that your family will greatly benefit from it.
Click on the links below to help your children develop the writing habit.
A Love of Writing- Click Here