Gatlinburg's Old Fashioned Hayrides
Sept 1 - December 31st
Enjoy a unique hayride with family or friends in downtown Gatlinburg. As fall begins in
the Smoky Mountains, take this fun-filled hayride and enjoy breathtaking views of our beautiful mountains and Winterfest lighting
displays. Departure is at traffic light #6 at the Mountain Mall. Rides run from 5-9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and leave
approximately every 45 minutes.
Have you been to the Planetarium in Maryville?
3741 East Lamar Alexander Parkway
Maryville, Tennessee 37804
(865) 984-8548
You can also go to their website for directions and more information.
Knoxville Zoo Homeschool Programs Available

Located in Gatlinburg Science Classes are held once a month for Homeschool
students. Click HERE for the 2005 - 2006 Program Schedule. < DIV>
At Governors Palace Theatre in Sevierville
For their all new 2005 Show
Beginning May 1st, all Sevier County residents 18 years of age or older, will be charged the
minimal fee of $5.00. Children 17 years of age and younger may attend free. Come hear the miraculous story of how these young
people came to Sevier County. 429-1601 http://governorspalace.org
Have you or your
children wanted to make a website? Some sites walk you through the steps. But if you want to learn from scratch you will
want to learn HTML
"As for me and my house, we serve
the Lord."
Joshua 24:15